Are Your Beauty and Cleaning Products Toxic?

Toxins are all around us, and your lifestyle is often a big culprit for increasing the amount that you’re exposed to.  We often worry about the food we’re putting in our bodies and pay a lot less attention to what we’re putting on our skin and exposing ourselves to when we clean our homes. Personal hygiene products, cosmetics, and cleaning products are full of chemicals and other toxins that have scary effects on health and well-being. Taking steps to reduce your exposure to toxins by swapping toxin-laden products for more natural alternatives can go a long way towards avoiding the health risks associated with toxins.


Woman standing in front of a medicine cabinet holding a beauty product bottle.


Bathroom Products/Toiletries

Many personal hygiene and toiletries contain nasties, which is scary considering how many products the average person uses. Here are just a few of the toxins you’re being exposed to:

  • Formaldehyde is often produced as a byproduct of ingredients found in deodorants, liquid soaps, and shampoos.
  • Phthalates are endocrine disruptors and are known to mimic estrogen and other hormones, which can affect many processes in the body. You’ll find phthalates in many shower gels, shampoos, hairsprays, perfumes, and nail polishes.
  • Sodium Lauryl Sulphate is found in most products that foam and lather and is a common culprit for skin irritation. Though its effects could be much worse, there are fears that it could be carcinogenic.
  • Toluene is featured in many hair gels, hairsprays, and perfumes. It’s a neurotoxin that mimics the effects of estrogen. It’s also linked to liver damage and asthma.
  • Propylene glycol is another common ingredient in toiletries. It’s also used in industrial antifreeze!
  • Triclosan is another endocrine disruptor. Thanks to its antibacterial qualities, it’s included in deodorants, hand soaps, toothpaste, mouthwash, and even vaginal washes. It can potentially break down into dioxin, a carcinogen.

How to avoid toxins:

Many natural and organic cosmetics brands are hitting the shelves, and they’re a great alternative to traditional cosmetics. Check the labels carefully, though “natural” doesn’t necessarily mean toxin-free. What you really want to look for is “clean beauty” brands and products. For example, clean beauty lipsticks are usually made from natural oils, while powders can be made from cornstarch.



Lots of your favorite cosmetics contain a whole host of toxins.

Some of the big ones include phthalates and Triclosan. These are known to be endocrine disruptors that mimic the effects of hormones such as estrogen. According to research from the University of Maryland, phthalates can cause reproductive abnormalities and stunt testosterone levels and fertility in men. For women, they’ve been linked to an increased risk of premature deliveries.

BHA and BHT are preservatives, so your cosmetics have a longer shelf life. They’re also endocrine disruptors and are linked to skin allergies.

If you’re already aware of the risk of toxins in your cosmetics, it’s probably because of parabens. These are also used as preservatives, and they can penetrate the skin very easily. So much so that traces of them have been found in breast cancer tissue! It’s thought that they can affect reproduction, the nervous system, and the immune system, so their effects could be widespread.

A few other nasties that can lurk in your make-up:

  • Formaldehyde can be released as a byproduct of some of the ingredients in cosmetics.
  • Octinoxate is an endocrine disruptor that is often added to foundations.
  • Carbon black is found in many eyeliners and has been considered a potential carcinogenic.
  • Siloxanes are often added to cosmetics to soften and moisturize, but they’re another endocrine disruptor.

How to avoid toxins

Ideally, you want to be using products with these nasties as little as possible. Look at the ingredients before you buy, and avoid anything you’re unsure about. There are lots of natural beauty alternatives on the market these days, but check the labels, as they can still contain a few toxins.



Cleaning products are another common culprit for toxins, especially chemicals. This is a big worry considering you often clean in areas with little ventilation, such as bathrooms. This makes it much more likely that you’ll inhale chemicals from the products.

Here are a few things to think about when it comes to cleaning products:

  • Fragrances often added to laundry detergents and fabric softeners can irritate the respiratory system and are linked to asthma.
  • Diethanolamine (DEA) and triethanolamine (TEA) can become carcinogens.
  • 2-butoxyethanol is commonly found in window and glass cleaners and multi-purpose cleaning sprays. It often causes a sore throat after it’s sprayed, but it’s also linked to allergies and asthma.
  • Studies have shown that regular exposure to cleaning products can potentially reduce lung function.

How to avoid toxins

Make your own cleaning products with natural ingredients such as vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils. It does require a bit more in the way of elbow grease, but you get great peace of mind that you’re not risking your health.


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Want one-to-one coaching on how to reduce toxins in your diet, lifestyle, and everyday products? Click HERE to schedule a free Back-To-Balance Breakthrough call to see how I can help.