Overweight, low energy, anxious and depressed?

You deserve better if you feel overweight, low energy, anxious, and depressed

Are you feeling overweight, low on energy, anxious, and depressed? If you are, you’re not alone.

There was a point in my life when I felt this way, too. No matter what I did or ate, nothing seemed to change. I was beyond uncomfortable in my clothes, I was uncomfortable in my own skin, and all I wanted was to feel like my energetic, lean, and easy-going self again.

I tried changing my diet, different workout routines, detox regimens, biohacks, and various supplements to regain my body and mind. Sometimes, it seemed as if something was working, but it was always short-lived.

I went to my doctor searching for answers but kept being told my lab work was “normal,” so it must be all in my head.

I racked my brain, trying to figure out what had changed. For the longest time, everything had stayed the same; my eating, drinking, exercise routine, and weight hardly ever varied.

Was this just a part of getting older?


This was my body telling me something wasn’t right. If you’re feeling overweight, low on energy, anxious, and depressed, chances are your body is also trying to tell you something.

The problem is that these signs and symptoms can be far removed from the actual cause and can be related to various metabolic imbalances occurring in the body.

Did you know that low energy and weight gain can correlate with:

  • Trouble sleeping or poor quality sleep
  • Not exercising or moving enough
  • Blood sugar imbalances
  • Chaotic cortisol rhythms
  • Elevated estrogen levels
  • Thyroid dysfunction
  • Toxin exposures

Anxiety can be linked to:

  • Food sensitivities
  • Low progesterone
  • Elevated estrogen levels
  • Chaotic cortisol rhythms
  • Thyroid dysfunction
  • Poor gut or digestive function

And depression can be related to literally all of the above and more.

The good news is, no matter what the cause of your symptoms might be, you can have a positive effect on them with the right combination of food, sleep, exercise, stress reduction, and supplements for YOUR body.

To untangle the web of your weight gain, low energy, anxiety, and depression, you first have to realize this didn’t happen overnight. What you’re experiencing now is likely a culmination of things that have occurred over your lifetime.

For example, if you were a c-section baby, not breastfed, or both, your immune and digestive systems didn’t receive the vital nutrients or bacteria needed to set up your health for long-term success. This slight setback could now catch up to you as your immune and digestive systems have had to work so much harder over the years to compensate for what they missed out on when you entered the world.

Just because you have a pile of wood doesn’t mean you have a fire. You still need friction, a match, or a lighter to create a spark and fuel in the form of oxygen, wood, or gas to get the fire going and keep it roaring.

The same is true for the health fires happening in your body – somewhere you had the perfect start to a fire, something or things triggered the fire, and a variety of things are continuing to fuel it.

Remember that song from your childhood…
The leg bone’s connected to the knee bone,
The knee bone’s connected to the thigh bone,
The thigh bone’s connected to the hip bone,
Now shake dem skeleton bones!

The body is a network of systems and functions, just like that childhood song indicates. Therefore, there is no single root cause for your health issues at hand because when one system or function goes down, they all start to fall.

Low levels of estrogen and gut dysbiosis were at the core of my weight gain, low energy, anxiety, and depression, but it wasn’t the root cause.

Whatever the diagnosis or what you think the root cause might be, you have to ask yourself why it is happening in the first place. What are the chain of events or cumulative factors that have led to this scenario?

For me, there were a variety of factors. I had been on birth control for over ten years, suppressing my ovaries and negatively impacting my hormones. Stealthy toxins I was exposed to during a major home renovation burdened my liver’s detox capacity and wreaked havoc on my gut. Despite how crappy I felt, I continued pushing my body to do “all the things” my Type-A personality was driven to do at the same level I always had.

On top of that, I had a few major stressful events, such as my sudden father’s passing at only 56 years old, a car accident that left my knees permanently damaged, and planning a wedding, all within a few years of each other.

Although I was eating healthy compared to the average person, staying active, and taking supplements – I needed to approach these healthy habits differently based on what my body was dealing with.

Running a few simple at-home functional lab tests to look at my hormone, immune, digestion, detoxification, energy, and nervous systems gave me the insights I needed to create a health, re-building plan that was more customized to my body’s specific needs.

By supporting all systems and functions of my body, I got my weight under control, my energy back, and put a stop to the anxiety and depression – and ultimately got back to feeling like myself again, comfortably in my own skin.

None of which happened when I previously focused on diet, exercise, sleep, or supplements alone.

The best part is that I get to use what I’ve learned to help women like you who are burned out after major life or health setbacks to find the missing pieces to your health puzzle and see the bigger picture so you can feel like yourself again, too!

If you want to get your hands on the right lab tests, resources, and customized plan to get your weight under control, your energy back, and stop anxiety and depression, then schedule a complimentary Back-To-balance Breakthrough Session here!

Follow me on Instagram for daily motivation and tips.