Reclaim your vitality and feel your best

Exhaustion robs many women of the energy they
need to engage with family, work, and personal care.

woman at table with her head in her hands


overwhelm preventing you from taking action?

brain fog impacting your work and causing worry?

memory lapses making you seem uncaring to loved ones?

unexpected outbursts or temper affecting relationships?

sleep issues, waking up between 2-3 am and feeling more stressed?

digestive problems like constipation or diarrhea?

stiffness and muscle aches hindering daily activities?

persistent weight gain despite numerous diet and exercise?

You deserve to rise stronger after every challenge.

Beautiful middle aged woman

Feel Comfortable in Your Body

Truly nourish your body so you can feel at home in yourself once again.

Mature Woman playing with her dogs on the beach

Wake Up Refreshed and Energized

Enjoy rejuvenating sleep every night and start each day full of vitality.

beautiful young woman lying down on a pillow drinking a cup of coffee

Enjoy Physical and Emotional Balance

Enhance resilience so you can stay strong through life's challenges.

I get it. Burnout is debilitating.

Photo of the owner of Design One Wellness wearing a blue shirt.

I know you want to be a vibrant, healthy woman. In order to do that, you need to overcome burnout and get back to feeling your best. The problem is, many health programs offer generic solutions that don’t consider your individual needs and circumstances. This can leave you feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, and even more disconnected from your body’s true needs.

I believe every woman has a unique path to vibrancy and health. That’s why I've dedicated the last 15 years to crafting personalized strategies, delving into the root cause of burnout, and teaching women tailored models of self-care that work.

Here’s how my approach is unique:

  • Guided Wisdom: Every step of the way, you'll have a seasoned expert by your side, ensuring you never feel lost or alone.
  • Beyond Symptoms: I don't just treat the surface. We'll dig deep, uncovering the root cause behind your challenges and guiding you toward lasting solutions.
  • Manageable Methods: My strategies are designed to be digestible and practical, so you never feel overwhelmed or burdened.

You deserve to shine in authentic health and vitality. Ready to embark on your rejuvenation journey?

Tara sign


Years in Business
company logo for Functional Diagnostic Nutrition

Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Certification


Years Focusing on Health

Here's how it works


Book a Back-to-Balance Breakthrough Call

We’ll talk about your health challenges and goals and see if we’re a good fit.


Receive a Personalized Health Plan

You’ll get a roadmap to optimize food, sleep and movement, while decreasing stress and toxins.


Get Back to Feeling Your Best

Know exactly what your body needs to feel your best so you can navigate whatever life brings you.


Jumpstart SM


Comprehensive health assessment through in-depth questionnaires, with optional lab testing for a deeper understanding.

Six one-on-one sessions over 3 months, guiding you through tailored health strategies based on your current health status.

Intensive SM


Detailed insight into your health via functional lab tests and questionnaires, focusing on hormones, immune system, digestion, and detox.

Personalized health-building program over 11 sessions across 6-8 months, ensuring support and accountability for effective lifestyle changes.

Total Transformation SM

Total Transformation

Thorough health investigation using functional lab tests and questionnaires, diving deeper into potential imbalances in hormones, detox, digestion, and immune functions.

Customized food lists, transformative coaching, and lifestyle recommendations across 14 sessions over 9-12 months for a holistic health overhaul.

Don’t let yourself sink further into exhaustion and overwhelm.

Together, we'll tackle burnout head-on.

We'll find what works best for you, so you don't feel so tired all the

time or waste money on things that don't really help. Then we’ll craft

a self-care routine that allows you to enjoy a vibrant life again.


Free Quiz

Feeling Exhausted, Stressed, or Just Not Yourself?

Gauge Your Fatigue: Understand the depth of your fatigue and stress levels.

Focused Insights: Identify which areas of your life need immediate attention.

Personalized Results: Get a clear picture of your burnout spectrum and next steps.

Guided Path Forward: Discover practical steps to revitalize your life.

Take Control: Find the support and interventions needed for your well-being.